The traceability system | ЭКОПЭТ

The traceability system

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The traceability system ACS

The company implemented an automatic system to control all stages of the production. It aims to automate the decisions of the various accounting and management problems appearing in production.

The system controls the movement of materials and final products, automatically saves all technological information for each product. If it is necessary, it allows you to check quickly the quality and safety of products, and what is more important, to get information about any complete production process.



To control safety and quality of products we also have our own certified laboratory. The state supervisory authorities in the sphere of technical regulations monitor periodically its compliance within the established standards.

Laboratory Sertification

The company’s products are regularly investigated by specialized accredited laboratories (Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan) for compliance with the technical standards and federal legal system in the sphere of technical regulations and production correspondence (technical regulations of the Customs Union 005/2011).


PET film

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PET film

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Rigid plastic package

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Rigid plastic package

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